jueves, 30 de mayo de 2013

Effects of Stress

By Justina Hu 3ºB
                Nowadays, our lifes are full of stress, stress in school, stress at work, and stress with relationships. We talk a lot about the word “stress” but, do we know exactly what it is?

  Stress is just a normal physical response to an effector, or many of them, and makes you feel threatened, or upset in some way.  For example, I feel stress when I have got a lot of exams and projects during a short period of time and I have to do it all, and do it well. On the one hand, stress can be good for our lives, for example, it can make you run faster in case you see a lion, but, on the other hand, it can affect your mood and health in a bad way.

  An interesting way of comparing those effects of stress with our daily life is Psychologist Connie Lillas’ way, she compare it with how you drive. For example, foot on the gas, means that you are very agitated, and you can’t stand there without moving; foot on the brake, means that you don’t show any emotions, and you don’t move, just like the opposite of the “foot on the brake”; and the third one: foot on both, it shows that you look very relaxed, but actually you are very agitated and stressed.

  There are lots of effects of stress: Physically, you have less memory, so you won’t remember lots of thing that happened just before.  Also, you have frequent colds, and you have more habits, like for example, you bite your nails (a common habit when people are stressed); Mental, you feel depressed, that everything is going to be bad, you think of the negative aspects of the things; etc.
  With the information given above, I think that stress is essential in our lives, in both aspects: positive and negative. So, after reading all this, do you think you are as affected by stress as you thought before?

Stress Symptoms, Signs & Causes: Effects of Stress Overload
In-text: (Helpguide.org, 2013)
Bibliography: Helpguide.org (2013) Stress Symptoms, Signs & Causes: Effects of Stress Overload. [online] Available at: http://www.helpguide.org/mental/stress_signs.htm [Accessed: 29 May 2013].

miércoles, 29 de mayo de 2013


 In Health and Wellness we are looking at FAD DIETS/ NUTRITION and making healthy habits that last a lifetime instead of short term goals that are NOT beneficial to our long term health and that my not be internally motivating (we do it because we want to look good in a bikin- not be healthy for life....)

I have challenged you to make a vision for 2014 and to make changes in your health habits that will last a lifetime- not just bikini season.  Below you will find the format that I explained in class.  It is your HOMEWORK- so it must be done- but if you want to develop it further, let me know and we'll talk about how to do that.

Cuando hagas tu visión, ten en cuenta las áreas de salud: 
1-energía  2-satisfacción de la vida  3-salud mental y emocional  4-maneja peso  5-actividad física/ ejercicio  6-nutrición  y 7-salud física (enfermedades, buenos hábitos)

VISIÓN 2014 : (long term goals with an internal motivator)
Mi Visión es: (tell me what you have achieved in 2014 as if it were true now)

Las cosas que me motivan son: (why is this important to you now?)

Mis puntos fuertes que me van a ayudar actualizar mi visión son: (what about my character will help me achieve my vision?

Algunos obstáculos posibles: (are they REAL or can I find solutions?)

Estrategias para superar los obstáculos: (are they realistic?

OBJETIVOS DE 3 MESES- what are some habits I could make or break that go in line with achieving my vision?



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