domingo, 28 de noviembre de 2010


We hope you all had a wonderful, happy and healthy summer!

Welcome to the SEK Health and Wellness Blog.  This blog is dedicated to all aspects of Health and Wellness.  It is written by our very own students and teachers here at SEK.  It provides information, healthy ideas and tips, interviews... even recipies!  We hope you enjoy it, share it with your friends and family and even encourage you to write an article or take pictures to contribute to the SEK Health and Wellness Blog.  See Jean in 2º ESO!!! Everyone welcome- writers, photographers, artists, computer gurus, etc...

¡BIENVENIDO! al Blog de la Salud y Bienestar de SEK.  Este blog esta dedicado a todos los aspectos de la salud y bienestar. Esta escrito por vosotros- los alumnos y profesores del SEK.  Contiene información, ideas y consejos saludables, entrevistas...¡incluso recetas!  Esperamos que lo disfruteis, lo compartais  con amigos y familiares, y os animamos a escribir un articulo y/o sacar fotos para contribuir al blog en el futuro.  ¡Si estais interesados, contactad con Jean en 2º ESO!!  Todos sereis bienvenidos- escritores, fotógrafos, artistas, genios informáticos etc...

THANK YOU! Gracias a los que han contribuido al desarollo/comienzo de este blog el año pasado: Alba Orche, Samuel Portillo, Alex Dudek, Laura Sindin, Enrique Garcia de Bustos, Pacho Areces,  Maria Garcia Jorge, Carmen González, Mercedes Bernal del Castillo, y los equipos de 2º y 3º ESO por ayudar editar articulos.

¡ANIMATE!  Espero que tengamos todavia más escritores y fotografos contribuyendo al blog este año- no olvides hay puntos extra (extra credit!) por tu contribución al blog!

Have a great year,
Jean Feuerstein
Health and Wellness Coordinator
SEK Ciudalcampo

Escalada, ¿por qué es buena?

Por Samuel Portilla 2ºESO

¿Nunca te ha pasado, que en un fin de semana, no tienes nada que hacer? ¿Ya has terminado los deberes, y tu padre ocupa el ordenador? Entonces prueba a ir a un rocódromo.

Escalar es uno de los deportes más completos que existen. Los expertos aseguran que además de quemar calorías, sirve para combatir el estrés y desarrollar la musculatura. La primavera y el verano son las temporadas del año que más se prestan para practicar este deporte al aire libre, ya que mientras lo ejercitas puedes admirar la naturaleza. Durante el otoño e invierno también se puede escalar a puerta cerrada con los llamados rocódromos, instalaciones preparadas específicamente para practicar las escaladas al objeto de evitar el desplazarse a las montañas. Estos rocódromos son una de las actividades que ha ganado muchos adeptos ya que no hace falta salir al campo, ni sufrir riesgos, y apenas sin tener que invertir en material. Tampoco necesitamos una gran experiencia en escalada, ya que cualquiera que se lo proponga puede practicarlo.
Tiene también un gran componente social, de compañerismo, de ayuda mutua, te enganchas al grupo. Por otra parte, escalar gusta porque es mucho más fácil de lo que la gente piensa: es algo que hacemos de forma natural desde niños, todo el mundo es capaz de escalar sin tener experiencia previa. Además, se avanza mucho y muy rápido, en pocos meses, se puede estar subiendo paredes muy difíciles.
Con este deporte los beneficios se notan a corto plazo ya que ejercemos mucho esfuerzo muscular al practicarlo y ejercitamos todo el cuerpo tonificando músculos y mejorando nuestra condición física. Usamos desde los dedos del pie hasta los de la mano, además de cierta concentración mental ya que debes pensar donde y como colocar tu cuerpo para seguir ascendiendo.             

 Escalar quema entre 700 y 900 calorías por hora y se trabajan casi  todos los grupos musculares del cuerpo. Entre los beneficios que se obtienen se encuentran: Resistencia muscular, resistencia cardiovascular y flexibilidad. Mentalmente este entrenamiento desarrolla la capacidad de concentración, control del cuerpo y el replanteamiento de límites. Es ideal para las personas de todas las edades, desde niños de cuatro años hasta adultos de 60. El único impedimento o contraindicación es el sobrepeso, la artrosis o la artritis. Es importante considerar que al vencer los miedos la persona reforzará su autoestima en todos los aspectos de la vida. Para practicar esta actividad solo se necesita un par de pies de gato, un arnés, una cuerda, un dispositivo para asegurar, cintas express y una bolsa de magnesio.

Hacer Deporte: Más allá del beneficio físico

Por Pacho Areces
El deporte ha sido considerado tradicionalmente un medio apropiado para conseguir valores de desarrollo personal y social; afán de superación, integración, respeto a la persona, tolerancia, acatación de reglas, perseverancia, trabajo en equipo, superación de los límites, autodisciplina, responsabilidad, cooperación, honestidad, lealtad, etc. son cualidades deseables por todos y que se pueden conseguir a través del deporte (Ruíz llamas, G.  & Cabrera Suárez, D. 2004)

Todas las asociaciones médicas y organismos relacionados con la salud a nivel mundial, recomiendan la realización de ejercicio físico, preferiblemente cardiovascular,  tres veces en semana como mínimo.
Es evidente que la práctica regular del ejercicio físico repercute positivamente en todas las personas y por tanto desde ese punto de vista está claro que las clases de deporte son muy beneficiosas para los alumnos.
Pero desde este rincón nosotros queremos ir más allá, nuestra inquietud es poder demostrar al alumno de educación física y  deporte que la practica regular de  actividad física es beneficiosa en otros muchos aspectos que son iguales o más importantes que los de la propia salud.
La sola puesta en marcha del organismo hace que nuestra cerebro que ponga en funcionamiento, todas las tareas deportivas tienen un  componente a nivel cognitivo importante en la toma de decisiones en aspectos técnicos y tácticos. Por tanto el desarrollo intelectual va a ser un factor beneficiado en esta actividad.
Pero además la práctica del deporte  hace que se pongan en marcha mecanismos y roles  como:
·         Mejorar la autoestima: la superación de las dificultades propuestas mejora el concepto de nuestra imagen, viéndonos como personas que afrontan retos y los superan.
·         Control emocional: afrontamos la actividad deportiva como disfrute y no como frustración en la derrota o pérdida de control ante el adversario.
·          Solidaridad: en numerosas ocasiones  los alumnos ayudamos a un compañero a superar los retos propuestos.
·         Comunicación y liderazgo: reflejado en tareas donde la dinámica de trabajo es la resolución de problemas en grupo.
·          Respeto a normas y valores: puesto en marcha en los juegos y tareas donde hay reglas
·          Respeto a las diferencias en cuanto sexo, religión, aspecto físico, etc.: en todas las actividades deportivas  se fomentan las tareas grupales, este trabajo colectivo mejora lo anterior.
·         Cooperación y trabajo en equipo
·          Afán de superación

Estos valores anteriores son de vital importancia en la vida. Cuando seamos mayores y nos enfrentemos a los retos cotidianos de nuestra vida laboral, afectiva, familiar, de amigos, etc., el aprendizaje de lo anterior nos proporcionara las herramientas necesarias para afrontar los retos con seguridad.
Por tanto vemos como los valores que el deporte fomenta son aplicables más allá de la practica deportiva.

Ideas for a Healthy Lifestyle

By Laura Sindin 2º ESO
Wake up at 7 in the morning, swallow your breakfast and literally run to catch the bus to the school. Well, it looks like it’s a lot of stress just to start the first part of the morning; you have to go to class, possibly do one or two exams and you are just out of school. Get home and do your homework. You’re done.
The first thing that comes to your mind is: “Now you’re done, let’s lay on the sofa and watch TV for the rest of the afternoon…” Well, think about it: the food that you have eaten throughout the day had carbohydrates that, if not used, may carry out their function of “storing energy”. You don’t want that, do you?
The best thing you can do is to exercise. I go to the swimming pool every day that I have little homework or I already have done it. If you don’t like swimming, you can try to play games that increase your physical activity, such as playing basketball with your friends, football with your siblings… If you don’t have a yard or siblings, I recommend two videogames you can play: Wii-fit and Dance Dance Revolution. The reason why I recommend these games is because you start to play and have fun and in ten minutes you are sweating due to the physical activity you are doing. Going outside may be a good idea too. Plan ahead when and where you are going and the equipment that you need. Another good idea is to go to a dance class, 30 minutes of dancing, which is included in the cardiovascular-aerobic type of exercise, burns 100 calories depending on the intensity and the effort that you’re doing. Or, you could try some new sports like volleyball, basketball, soccer, American football, etc. Another activity that burns lots of energy is playing instruments: Guitar and Bass-150 kcal/hour, Piano-200 kcal/hour, Drums- 300/hour and Singing (internal muscles in movement)-350 kcal/hour.
I think these are lots of ideas to start a healthy lifestyle.  I can only give you one tip: once you start, focus. You are exercising to feel better, not to impress someone, so train as much as you want but listen to your body. It knows when it has to stop to reduce the risk of injury. Another essential part is to eat a balanced diet; you need some time to think about what’s on your plate and consider if it’s healthy enough.
Apart from physical activity you may want to do something more relaxing after you've worked out. The perfect activity is to lay in your bed and read an interesting book. Obviously, not everyone likes the same type of books, so I encourage you to go to a bookstore and buy novels about any topic until you find the theme that calls your attention. Ok, so now you’ll be thinking: “But books are so expensive, I don’t have that much money…” and now is when I say: “Well, you could go to your local library on your bike and borrow all the books you want”. The perfect activity!
I recommend visiting the following webpage: where you will find tests on how to find your sport and much more info about your body, your mind and your friends.

BATTER UP! Interview with Enrique Garcia de Bustos

Enrique teaches physics and astronomy here at SEK CIUDALCAMPO, but in his free time he is quite an athlete!  He was willing to share his experiences with THE HEALTH AND WELLNESS LAB REPORT and we sure do appreciate his time!
1.       Tell us about the highest level of volleyball you’ve played, what it was like, and some of the players you’ve played with.

I started playing volleyball quite late compared to my friends. I began at the age of 17, but I improved very fast because I had the chance to train with the senior team in my volleyball club. They were really good players. Some of them came from the same school as Rafael Pascual, the best Spanish player in recent years. One of the players was called to play in the Olympics twice, in Barcelona and Atlanta. It was a privilege to play with them. I learned a lot in very little time, but it was also quite hard. I trained 10 hours per week, with my junior team and with the senior one. Training is very physically demanding and very technical, too. At the beginning , I didn’t have the chance to play matches with them, but little by little, by working very hard, I earned a place on the first team and I could play with them. We played in the second national league, just one level below the best players in Spain.  And of course, I had to combine all of this sports activity with good grades at high school, because otherwise my parents wouldn’t have allowed me to play sports at such a high level.
2.       What does it take to reach that kind of level in sports?

Actually, the dedication was very high, but never leaving my responsibilities in school. My normal day was coming from school, having lunch, doing homework and going to train. And I had to go by bike because I got my driver’s license very late.
The discipline was the highest possible. I had a very demanding coach and since I started so late playing volleyball, I had to do my best in every training because all of the players were much better than me. Apart from all the training hours, I think I improved really quickly because I used to imagine all the technical movements before getting to sleep. It was like a mental  training that helped me a lot.
My nutrition has always been very good, very balanced. But that’s because of my parents. I always had my dinner ready when I came home from  training…
3.       What other sports do you play and which are your favorite to play?  Which are your favorite to watch?

I’ve also played soccer, basketball, hockey, track and field, tennis, cycling (as a way of transport), and now I run, climb from time to time and hike quite hard in the mountains.
My favorite sport to watch is not volleyball, which is a bit boring unless you see it live. I like to watch tennis, soccer, basketball… Actually my favorite moment to watch sports is the Olympics, where you can watch a great amount of sports that you can’t usually watch.
4.       What/Who are your favorite teams and players?

In soccer, I liked Barcelona a lot last year. They marked the difference. I also loved watching the Spanish national soccer team in the World Championships. Iniesta, Mesi, Busquets, Puyol… These are the ones that I follow in matches.
I like the NBA very much, because they play another sport different from basketball…
I don’t miss a match with Rafa Nadal, because of his attitude. He is a gentleman in sports, and that doesn’t happen very often.
That’s the reason I’m not a fan of any soccer team, because they’ve lost the “class”, and they don’t seem to notice that they are the idols of the children all around the world.

5.       Do you participate in Sports at SEK?
I try to play all the matches against students and I run every year the “Carrera Solidaria”.

6.       What do you recommend to someone who would like to get more involved in volleyball and be more competitive?
It’s very difficult to get a high level in volleyball if you didn’t start very young, but anyway you can get enough level to enjoy it! Train at least twice a week, find a good trainer that understands what you want from sports, and try to do your best every time you have a ball in your hands.

7.       What's your favorite basketball team?
Since I was a child, LA Lakers, with Magic Johnson.

8.       Baseball team? (I will only accept THE YANKEES as an answer, by the way...)
Sorry, I don’t watch baseball at all. But if I did, of course The Yankees! ;)

9.       Who is your favorite professional athlete and why?
When I watch athletes, I don’t have a favorite. I like them running, jumping and throwing. My favorite ones are Decathletes and Triathletes. They are superheroes to me.

10.   What's your favorite food?
Probably, “croquetas” and “Canelones”. Sorry, I don’t know how to say those in English.

11.   What music do you have in your ipod?
I don’t have an ipod or similar. I listen to music when I drive and when I’m at home. My favorite music is classical music but I also listen to mix lists from lots of artists: Queen, U2, Aerosmith, Bon Jovi, Jewel, Norah Jones, The Cranberries, Bob Dylan, Dire Straits… And some old music: Ray Charles, Otis Redding, Sam Cooke, Sinatra, Aretha Franklin…

12.   Favorite color?
Mmm… When I was a child, most of my clothes were blue… But now, I would answer  my car color: dark red.
13.   Favorite flavor ice cream??
“Dulce de leche”, from Haagen Dazs.

Thank you, Enrique, for talking with us today!

El Estrés de los alumnos

Por Alba Orche    2º ESO
¿Quién no ha oido hablar alguna vez del estrés? Muchos de vosotros pensaréis que tan solo es cosa de adultos, pero no es cierto, el estrés actualmente puede padecerse a cualquier edad, hemos podido comprobar este hecho durante las últimas semanas. A continuación tenéis una serie de posibles causas de este estado y cómo paliarlo.

Una de las múltiples causas que puede producirnos estrés es la acumulación de cansancio, ya puede darse por la sobrecarga horaria y una vida muy exigida que no respeta los ritmos de descanso del ser humano. Otra de las causas es no controlar nuestros sentimientos, y lo que incrementa esta situación es el pesimismo por parte de la persona afectada. Si estamos estresados no debemos realizar actividades a disgusto ya que lo único que hará será causarnos un sentimiento de angustia y desesperación creciente. Sin embargo aquello que pude producirnos más estrés es sufrir una pérdida importante en nuestra familia o de una persona que se encuentra entre el resto de nuestros seres queridos, lamentablemente para esto no hay cura alguna más, que el tiempo.
Pero no os deprimáis, existen muchos métodos para paliar este sentimiento u estado, uno de ellos es evitar la acumulación del estrés, en el momento en el que nos encontrado metidos dentro de éste, tenemos que reconocerlo y acto seguido retomar la iniciativa en nuestras vidas. Es fundamental que encontremos maneras de relajarnos tanto nuestra mente como nuestro cuerpo, expulsar las preocupaciones de nuestro ser por unos instantes, hay una buena forma de reducir el estrés y es el deporte físico, ya que también nos ayuda a eliminar la hostilidad y la tensión y es que cuando nos estresamos nuestro organismo produce una sustancia tóxica llamada noradrenalina y es esta actividad la más aconsejable para aliviarnos. En este tipo de situación hemos de desechar todo pesimismo y debemos volvernos personas optimistas poniéndole al mal tiempo, buena cara, porque el optimismo nos ayudara a ver la situación desde un ángulo menos preocupante y es que nuestro organismo no puede mantenerse en un continuo estado de alerta por acciones que no llegan a ocurrir nuestro organismo producirá un nivel de estrés equivalente al que tendríamos si estos secesos se produjeran. Una de las causas principales del estrés viene a ser también el insomnio, por lo que hay que procurar dormir bien entre unas 8 u 9 horas mínimo así al cerebro le da tiempo a almacenar unas sustancias químicas que reducen el estrés.  Para finalizar este articulo, unos últimos consejos:
- Si tienes ganas no te reprimas, y llora.
- Coloca los problemas en su justa medida.
- Alégrate.
- Comparte tus sentimientos, tanto buenos como malos, ya que no es saludable guardarse todo lo que a uno le pasa.  Busca a alguien en quien confíes.
- Evita cuando puedas la presión de llevar reloj.
Espero que mi articulo os sea de utilidad.

Tener una vida social no es tan malo

Por Maria Garcia Jorge  3ºESO

Muchos de nuestros padres se preocupan mucho por nuestros estudios y por como sabemos defendernos en cada una de las materias que impartimos en el colegio.
Pero nuestros padres también se tienen que preocupar por muchos otros aspectos. Como por ejemplo la vida social. Puede que asi dicho no suene del todo bien pero en un futuro cuando vas a una entrevista de trabajo te preguntaran sobre diversos temas.  Como por ejemplo preguntas como : ¿Qué es lo que sus compañeros de trabajo dicen acerca de usted?, ¿Es usted un jugador de equipo?, ¿Cuál es su mayor fortaleza? Si usted tuviera que hacer relación con alguna persona, ¿ le sería fácil?
En este caso una persona que estudiara mucho y tuviera una capacidad para recopilar datos no serviría en ningún puesto de trabajo ya que aparte de ser un trabajador duro también necesitas cualidades como la extroversión, una persona de mente abierta, capaz de comentar sus opiniones y sentimientos.
Pero para llegar a ser así es cuestión de entrenamiento e ir venciendo tu timidez, de saber que lo que piense la gente no es importante  si no lo que importe es lo que pienses tú sobre un tema . Por eso debemos compaginar los estudios y nuestra vida social.
Tampoco hay que abusar en exceso la excusa de que necesitamos una vida social para el futuro. Porque se pueden hacer dos cosas al mismo tiempo. Por ejemplo: Has quedado un sábado a las seis de la tarde y el lunes a la vuelta tienes un examen de lengua. Bueno pues es tan fácil como levantarte pronto y ponerte a estudiar hasta las tres de la tarde,  después te pones a repasar hasta la hora de irte. Y si sigues estos pasos podrás salir cuando quieras pero habiendo hecho un estudio previo.

Balanced Nutrition=Good Health

By Alex Dudek 2ºESO
Photo by Carmen González
                What does good nutrition mean?  It means promoting a good, healthy life and taking care of what you eat and drink.  We can call it a balanced diet.  Also, it means getting the right amount of food and drinks to give you nutrition and energy.
            There are consequences of not having a balanced diet.  These consequences include: being overweight,  problems with developing muscles and the nervous system, and possibly illnesses such as bulimia, anorexia, depression and more.  For example, one hot dog has 470 calories, McDonalds has more than 700, and a pizza (margarita) 300 calories. We will need to jog A LOT to burn these calories because too much fat is not good for our body.
            To start taking care of your body, you need to start by having a balanced diet.  We need vitamins, minerals and proteins, especially if our system is lacking in one.  It is important to remember that there is no ONE food that provides all of the nutrients that our body needs.  We need to make sure that our diet contains products from different sources and all food groups: vegetables, fish, meat, oil, fruits, nuts, etc.
1-     Set goals: What does your body need most? To lose weight, gain weight or maintain our weight and/or body fat?
2-    Find ways to eat well and do more exercise every day.
3-    Plan the number of meals you will eat every day and make time to eat them.
4-    Specify the number and size of good portions.  REMEMBER to find a place for your favorite snacks.
5-      Try to be active and remember to always drink water.

Can't Sleep? Here are some ways to help you catch your zzzzzz's

Read this article and more at
Teenagers have many things to worry about: school, friends, social activities, etc. Many teens are also over-stimulated, spending hours watching television, playing video games, talking on the phone and surfing the Internet. So, it's no wonder that sleep problems and sleep disorders are becoming commonplace among teenagers. In fact, as many as 30 percent of all teens suffer from a sleep disorder (statistic from the USA).
Hours of Sleep Needed for Teens
Many teens' hectic schedules keep them up late many nights. Ideally, most teens need at least eight and a half to more than nine hours of sleep. However, 85 percent of teens are getting less than eight hours of sleep each night.

This sleep deficit causes many teenagers to perform poorly in school. It can also have adverse effects on teens' health, causing weight gain, high blood pressure, irritability and depression.
Causes of Teen Sleep Problems
Everyone has an internal clock. This clock influences hormone changes, body temperature and sleep cycles.
When adolescents go through puberty, this internal clock shifts, causing teens to start feeling drowsy two hours later than normal. Thus, teenagers aren't ready to go to bed at their normal times, but they still must rise at the same time to get to school on weekdays.
Sleep Apnea and Teen Sleep Problems
Sleep apnea is serious sleep disorder, in which a person stops breathing for short periods of time during sleep. Sleep apnea is usually caused by a blockage in the throat, nose or mouth. Often, the cause is an enlarged tonsil. Overweight or obese teens are also more likely to suffer from this sleep disorder.
People who have sleep apnea often snore, have difficulty breathing and sweat during the night. All of these sleep disruptions can make the sufferer feel exhausted during the day.
If a teen is experiencing symptoms of sleep apnea, he or she should make an appointment with a doctor or sleep specialist.

Insomnia and Sleep Deprivation in Teens
Many teens suffer from insomnia, the inability to fall asleep, at one time or another. Symptoms of insomnia include:
  • difficulty falling asleep (taking more than 45 minutes to fall asleep)
  • early morning awakenings
  • feeling very tired after a night of sleep
  • frequent awakenings with the inability to fall back to sleep.
Occasional insomnia is not usually a problem and may be caused by noise, illness, a change in your sleep patterns (such as when you're on vacation), jet lag, extreme temperatures changes and/or stress. Short-term insomnia may last from a few nights to a few weeks and usually resolves itself.
Long-term insomnia, however, can last for months, even years, and may be caused by depression, chronic illness, certain medications and asthma. If a teen is suffering from long-term insomnia, he or she should consult a physician.
Dealing with Teen Sleep Disorders
Fortunately, sleep disorders in teens can usually be resolved with minimal treatment. Teens who have a hard time falling asleep usually grow out of the problem as their biological clocks adjust to a normal pattern after puberty.
If a teen is suffering from insomnia because of stress, it is a good idea for them to find someone whom they can talk to about their stressors. Friends, family and counselors can listen to teens and help them through stressful times. Teens under stress might also want to consider learning about the various ways to deal with and/or eliminate stress.
Here are some other things teens can do to prevent sleep disorders:
  • Avoid alcohol and nicotine.
  • Avoid caffeinated beverages after lunch.
  • Limit stimulating activities before bedtime.
  • Limit extracurricular activities. Sometimes teens are overextended and participate in too many after-school activities. This might leave them too stimulated to fall asleep.
  • Practice relaxation techniques before going to bed. For example, do gentle stretches or meditate.
            Below you will find some common treatments for sleep disorders, but a doctors’ visit is still recommended if you really find it difficult to sleep.  Your doctor can recommend the best treatment for your problem.
A sleep diary is a detailed journal that outlines the specifics of good and bad nights of sleep that you experience. Some of the details you include in sleep diaries are:
  • any medications you took that day
  • any stressful situations you dealt with that day
  • date and time
  • what you ate that day
  • whether or not you exercised that day.
Doctors typically recommend that you keep a sleep diary for about a month. Over the course of this time, you can start to correlate which factors hinder and contribute to better sleep. For example, you may notice that certain foods, dealing with particular people or exercising either promotes better sleep or causes you to sleep less.
The following foods can make getting a good night's sleep a dream come true:
  1. Almonds: Almonds contain both tryptophan, an amino acid that acts as a sedative, and magnesium, which acts as a muscle relaxant.
  2. Bananas: Bananas contains melatonin and serotonin, chemicals known to help the body sleep, as well as magnesium.
  3. Chamomile Tea: Chamomile tea's mild sedating effect has helped many restless people fall asleep.
  4. Honey: Consuming too much sugar before bedtime can keep you awake. However, eating just a little glucose before hitting the sack alerts your brain to stop producing orexin, a neurotransmitter that keeps us alert. Add a little honey to your tea or milk prior to bedtime.
  5. Milk and Dairy Products: Milk and dairy products contain tryptophan and calcium, both of which help the brain effectively use tryptophan.
Getting enough sleep will help you feel good, play sports better, be active, concentrate better and add to your overall general health.  Don’t forget to get your zzzzzzz’s!

Recommended Reading...

Recomiendamos el numero 63 de la revista MENTE SANA- especialmente el editorial "LA ESCUELA DE LA VIDA" escrito por el editor, Jorge Bucay quien dice:

Las reglas de la escuela también se puede (debe) aplicar a la vida

1-No faltar: Debemos asistir participativamente a la propia vida.

2-Cuidar a la escuela: Cuidar nuestra vida, la de los seres queridos y la de los desconocidos.

3-Hacer muchos amigos: No estamos solos- la amistad es imprescindible.

4-Ser buen compañero: Comprender lo que le pasa al otro y lo que necesita.

5-Prestar atención a los maestros: Debemos prestar atención y ser consciente siempre y aprender lo que podemos de cada situación y persona que encontremos.

6-Cuidar los útiles: Cuidar nuestros herramientas y recursos (familia, amigos incluido) y estar preparado.

7-Aprender también puede ser divertido: La sabiduría nos abre a un mundo de más goce y satisfacción.  La risa despierta ese niño o niña que fuimos.

8-Pedir perdón si hacemos daño: Es inevitable equivocarnos de vez en cuando. Para aprender, es imprescindible hacernos responsables do lo que hacemos, pensamos y decimos.

9-No enfadarse cuando algo no sale bien: Es necesario probar, equivocarse, pedir ayuda y volver a intentar para aprender.

10- Venir con ganas de aprender: El buen alumno es aquel que valora más su progreso que los resultados.

Good Food- Buena Jugada

Here's one of my favorite recipies from a great cookbook called "Cooking in Spain".  The recipies are in english, but the measurements are metric, so there's no converting from US Standards.  This cookbook would make a great Christmas present for anyone who likes to cook - OR EAT!!

Pollo Granadina  (recipe from COOKING IN SPAIN, by Janet Mendel, page 244)
50 ml olive oil                                               200 grams diced serrano ham
6 cloves garlic                                              100 ml white wine
1 chicken troceado                                       salt and pepper

Heat the oil in a large frying pan.  Add the whole, peeled garlic cloves and fry until golden.  Remove from the pan.  Fry the chicken in the same oil, turning occasionally until nicely browned on all sides, adding the diced ham part way along.  Then add the wine, salt and pepper and the toasted garlic.  Cover and simmer until chicken is fork-tender, about 25 minutes more.  Serves 4-5.

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