miércoles, 8 de junio de 2011

Sports Medicine and Emergency Care Workshop

Great job students in 2ºESO! You all did a wonderful job in Unit 6- Emergency Situations and Caring for Sports Injuries.  You learned about sprains, strains and fractures and how to care for them (I.C.E.R.) and to immobilize, tape or wrap fingers, ankles and shoulders.  You learned what should be considered a "true" emergency (breathing, bleeding and shock) and the basic first aid that should be given.  Everyone participated- and I can see by your reports in Unit 7 that a lot of you would be interested in studying Sports Medicine in the future.  Pues ¡ANIMO!  Keep your grades up and keep your eyes open for more SEK Health and Wellness activities in the future!!  Aprovecho para desearos a todos un BUEN VERANO!!  Stay off the couch!

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